Course outcomes

  • Identify your natural communication style

    By identifying your natural or default style, you can understand your own communication preferences including strengths and weaknesses.

  • Recognize the styles of others

    Learn to recognize the styles of other people, your prospects, customers, and colleagues to better understand THEIR communication preferences.

  • Adapt your approach for improved results

    With the knowledge gained from this program, you can enhance your prospect and customer interactions by customizing your plans and conversations to fit the key players. This personalized approach allows you to build rapport and trust quickly, improving your results.

Course curriculum

    1. Communicating for sales success

    1. The approach

    2. Take the assessment

    3. Understanding your results

    4. What is your style?

    1. Recognize and Adapt

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content