Through supply chains, our customers get their goods and services to market, and we partner with them to add value, find efficiencies, and help them meet their KPIs. In this course, we'll learn more about the supply chains that give our business purpose and run our customer's businesses. Through active participation, practice, and application, you'll be able to:

  • Describe a simple supply chain

  • Understand challenges and trends that impact supply chains

  • Ask questions to uncover a customer’s unique supply chain

  • Depict your customer's high-level supply chainmappp

Course curriculum

    1. What's a supply chain, anyway?

    2. A basic supply chain

    3. What comes first?

    4. It's not so simple: supply chain challenges

    5. A dynamic industry: supply chain innovations & trends

    6. Challenges and Trends Knowledge Check

    1. Let's explore the orange juice supply chain

    2. Uncover the details

    3. What questions would you ask?

    1. Explore your customer's supply chain

    2. Draft your customer's supply chain

    1. Continue developing as a supply chain professional

About this course

  • 13 lessons

Your Guide

Partner & Co-Founder Holly LaBoda

Meet Holly, a dynamic sales leader with a passion for helping her clients achieve remarkable growth. Holly cut her teeth at large, high-growth organizations before co-founding Luminaries Consulting, where she brings her expertise in crafting impactful sales strategies and delivering transformative development solutions that produce measurable outcomes. Whether it's developing go-to-market strategies or nurturing sales talent, Holly's focus is always on delivering real and rapid results. ​ She is a frequent speaker at industry events, and an active Board member for the Transportation Sales & Marketing Association where she received the honor of Partner of the Year in 2023.

Take the first step towards supply chain consulting, now!