Course curriculum

    1. Welcome & a tale of two sales people

    2. Gear up for this program

    1. Your Prospecting Playbook: Draft Your Value Proposition(s)

    2. Assess & reassess the buying process

    1. What is Gaining Access?

    2. Build an Entrance Strategy that Works

    3. Your Prospecting Playbook: Prepare to Gain Access

    1. Your Prospecting Playbook: Prepare for your objections

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Helpful and thoughtful approach to prospecting

Jennifer Karpus-Romain

I really enjoyed this sales training because it challenged the way I was doing things by giving me tangible ways to engage and shift my own perspective. I li...

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I really enjoyed this sales training because it challenged the way I was doing things by giving me tangible ways to engage and shift my own perspective. I liked that I was able to work things out on my own first, and then meet with my group and our wonderful facilitator Holly to then role play and perfect my strategy and verbiage. We all walked out with a game plan and a strategy.

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Bonus material

  • Build Your Own Prospecting Playbook

    Throughout the course, you'll complete your own playbook, a repeatable game plan that will help you target and start conversations with your ideal prospects.

  • Individual and team coaching

    This program is built in a cohort model, and includes 4 live sessions with one of our sales coaches. Together, we'll work through key concepts and apply them to your business, setting you up for quick results.

  • Recorded cohort calls

    All live cohort calls are automatically recorded and available for further review, or for any participants who may miss a session.

Your guide

Partner & Co-Founder Holly LaBoda

Meet Holly, a dynamic sales leader with a passion for helping her clients achieve remarkable growth. Holly cut her teeth at large, high-growth organizations before co-founding Luminaries Consulting, where she brings her expertise in crafting impactful sales strategies and delivering transformative development solutions that produce measurable outcomes. Whether it's developing go-to-market strategies or nurturing sales talent, Holly's focus is always on delivering real and rapid results. ​ She is a frequent speaker at industry events, and an active Board member for the Transportation Sales & Marketing Association where she received the honor of Partner of the Year in 2023.