All Courses, Sales, Account Management
All-Access Pass: Your Logistics Sales Playbook & Development Hub
Bundle • 27 learning productsOne-stop shop for all your sales and account management development needs in transportation and logistics. This premium pass gets you in to all the self-directed content, insights, and tools along with exclusive LIVE content. Don't wait!
All Courses, Sales
Targeted Prospecting
Course • 34 lessons5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Get more effective at finding leads, filling your pipeline, and opening doors with prospects. This course is designed to be completed in 4 weeks, with a blend of self-directed content and live, virtual sessions.
All Courses, Sales, Account Management
Building Trust with Prospects & Customers
Course • 4 lessonsTrust is key to sales and account management, because we are in the business of building relationships. Simply said, all relationships work better when there is trust. But how do we get there, and quickly? We'll cover that in this course!
All Courses, Sales, Account Management
Understanding the Supply Chain
Course • 13 lessonsSupply chains drive the work that we do. To add value to your clients, you need an understanding of how the supply chain works, and how your work contributes.
All Courses, Sales, Account Management
Customer-Focused Communication
Course • 14 lessons5.0 average rating (2 reviews)No matter what your role, communicating effectively is one of the most important aspects of your job. Every interaction you have with a customer, a coworker or the marketplace is a chance to help or hurt that relationship. Improve your skills here.
All Courses, Leadership, Sales, Account Management
LinkedIn for Logistics
Course • 12 lessons5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Social Selling is not a "silver bullet" or a replacement for the rest of your sales activities. It is an excellent supplement as a part of a broader approach. In this course, you'll learn how to effectively leverage LinkedIn without over-investing.